
Explore our collection of yoga poses, from foundational asanas to advanced variations.

This section offers detailed instructions, step-by-step guidance, and visual demonstrations to help you master a wide range of postures.

You can also find out about the physical benefits, proper alignment, and mindful execution of poses that tone the body, calm the mind, and cultivate greater flexibility, strength, and balance.

Ladies dressed in black and white doing yoga on a purple mat

Practice Yin Yang Yoga With This 15-Min Sequence

Jane Mclaughlin

Yin and Yang are ancient Chinese philosophical concepts that describe the dual nature of existence. Yang represents activity, heat, and ...

namaste yoga

7 Yoga Poses With a Bolster For a Restorative Practice

Jane Mclaughlin

Restorative yoga is like the slow dance of the yoga world. It’s a practice where the art of relaxation is ...


Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose Yoga Pose – Utthita hasta Padangusthasana

Tessa Hampton

Yoga poses can be a mixed bag of delightful stretches and balancing acts that are beneficial but sometimes demanding.  Utthita ...

Knee to chest pose instructions

Knee to Chest Yoga Pose – Apanasana

Tessa Hampton

Ever felt like your body is hoarding all the bad vibes, stress, and maybe that third burrito you shouldn’t have ...

Yoga Poses for Golfers

10 Best Yoga Poses for Golfers – Unlock Your Full Potential

Tessa Hampton

Golf, often perceived as a leisurely game, is in fact a sport that requires a surprising amount of strength, flexibility, ...

How to Do Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)

How to Do Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)? – Graceful and Powerful

Tessa Hampton

In the world of yoga, a diversity of poses range from simple seated postures to challenging arm balances. Among these, ...

Yoga for Martial Arts

Yoga for Martial Arts – 11 Best Poses for Cross-Training

Tessa Hampton

If you’re a martial artist seeking to diversify your training regimen, yoga is a potent addition that can bring remarkable ...